Masters Thesis
A Study in ‘A Study in Derived Algebraic Geometry’
Undergraduate at Imperial College London (2018-2022)
Galois Theory (First Iteration)
A very long document I wrote with a friend in the summer of 1st year where we wrote all the algebra we knew at the time.
Galois Theory (Second Iteration)
Less than 15 pages. I wrote this in 2nd year as an attempt to isolate the key part making the fundamental theorem of Galois theory work.
Category Theory (First Iteration)
An info dump of all the category theory I knew in 2nd year winter.
Talk in 3rd year at the Warwick Imperial Conference (WIMP) on Schemes : the Manifolds of Algebraic Geometry
- Latex files :
- Video Presentation : To be added
Crystalisation of my understanding of the locally-ringed-space approach to schemes.
Colloquium talk in 3rd year on “Triangles, Yoneda and Homology”
During 3rd year algebraic topology class, highly dissatisfied with the messiness in Hatcher’s exposition of “delta complexes”, I decided to clean it up using delta sets which Hatcher does not use.
Covering Spaces (First Iteration)
Also 3rd year, again dissatified with Hatcher’s exposition this time of covering spaces, I wrote this exposition in an attempt to clean up and hence isolate the key parts involved in the “fundamental theorem of covering spaces”.
Covering Spaces (Second Iteration)
In this iteration, the “formalism” and the “algebraic topology” is further isolated. A key realisation : semi-locally simple connectedness is precisely “locally 1-categorically contractible” and this is an equivalent condition to being able to recover topological covering spaces from categorical ones (of the fundamental groupoid).
Everything I knew about presheaves in 3rd year summer. Key part : phrasing everything in terms of the “total space” of a presheaf.
Infinity Categories via Homotopical Segal Condition
A talk I gave in an online learning group on infinity categories.