This page contains notes from my research in categorical geometric Langlands.
Summer 2023 reading group
This is a reading group organised by Arun Soor and I in May-June 2023. The focus is on the unfinished book of Beilinson–Drinfeld, Quantization of Hitchin’s Integrable System and Hecke Eigensheaves.
The most updated schedule is here.
Here are notes from the talks.
- Week 1 : Introduction to categorical geometric Langlands (Ken Lee, April 28th)
- Week 2 : Stacks (ChenJing Bu, May 5th).
- Week 3 : Some perspectives on differential operators in algebraic geometry (Arun Soor, May 12th)
- Week 4 : Hecke actions (Ken Lee, May 19th)
- Week 5 : Geometric Satake Part 1 - Affine Grassmannian (Jonas Antor, May 25th)
- Week 6 : Geometric Satake Part 2 - Fusion Product (Finn Wiersig, June 1st).
- Week 7 : Geometric Satake Part 3 - Tannaka Reconstruction and the Langlands Dual Group (Jay Swar, June 12th Monday 14:00-15:30 at C2).
- Week 8 : Overview of Hitchin’s integrable system (Arun Soor, Ken Lee, June 15th).
- Week 9 : No seminar.
- Week 10 : Postponed.
- Week 11 : Quantisation of Hitchin’s integrable system (Arun Soor, Ken Lee, July 7th Friday 11:00-12:30 in N3.12).
- Week 12 : Opers (Ken Lee, July 10th Monday 11:00-12:30 in C5).